It's done, complete with the last two chapters, and the sorta mini-chapters at the beginning and end.
Anyhow, a summary of the manga as a whole (in case you don't know):
Heroine travels across time and space to learn various educational lessons, usually by screwing historical, political, or cultural people of importance. If you're familiar with Japanese history and politics, you'll find certain chapters of it hilarious, but if not, the rest of the book is pretty funny too. In my opinion, the book's far more valuable for a laugh than for spanking material, but judge for yourself.
Fair warning: Mild rape thoughout and also a little bestiality (eels) and tentacles. The first chapter will be grossly offensive if you have strong feelings about 9/11. Much of the book will also be offensive if you have a strong sense of American or Japanese patriotism.
E-Hentai Gallery
201 Images, 83mb
Ch 1-4 by Faytear