Lately I've found that it's useful to take a break part-way through a tankoubon and translate something else, so here's some Ishikei I scrounged up.
It's give or take up to the standards you'd expect of Ishikei (though no decensoring this time, sorry).
There's some lolicon I suppose, but the action's almost entirely centered around the busty brunette, so I'd imagine that unless flat chests utterly repulse you, you'll find this one well.
10 Images, 5.5mb
Another random discussion topic... I notice that lolicon is a highly vague term. Firstly, it applies to a wide age range (pretty much any underage girl). On the other hand, lolicon is defined more by aesthetics. For example, all that Yakiyama Line stuff with the big-breasted middle school girls generally doesn't qualify as lolicon, but a flat-chested high school girl like in today's translation probably does. In other words, it seems like the heroine has to be both young and flat-chested for it to be lolicon, with the later being the more important characteristic. At least that's the impression I get.
Something about that strikes me a bit odd. I always figured that lolicon (like many fetishes) is centered around the taboo. Yet a flat high school girl is more a "loli" than a stacked middle schooler, even though banging a middle schooler is far more reprehensible. That aside, there's also a ton of more mainstream material with physically mature but still underaged school-kids banging each other, which ends up seeming pretty clean and wholesome (by porn standards). Anyhow, the point is... well, I don't really have a point. I think I just like reading my own words... But, perhaps someone else has something insightful to say, particularly about where one personally draws the line...