I'd like to think I'm my own worst critic and two items of self-criticism have been kicking around in my head a while: 1) I really should be more productive and 2) I really should answer more requests.
So to rectify the situation, I think I'm gonna try and crank out some requests for a while. Good news, right? Well, just to give you fair warning, I'm gonna skip the decensoring and much of the sfx editing on these (unless there's really demand to decensor a particular manga)... but hey, I can get to more requests that way, right?
So, to kick things off, here's a (relatively) recent request:

The story is pretty simple: girl goes to get a massage and things progress as you might expect... Actually, no, I take that back. You might be a little surprised at what happens, but I don't wanna ruin it for you...
Nothing to worry about in terms on content.
E-Hentai Gallery27 Images, 19mb