So to rectify the situation, I think I'm gonna try and crank out some requests for a while. Good news, right? Well, just to give you fair warning, I'm gonna skip the decensoring and much of the sfx editing on these (unless there's really demand to decensor a particular manga)... but hey, I can get to more requests that way, right?
So, to kick things off, here's a (relatively) recent request:

The story is pretty simple: girl goes to get a massage and things progress as you might expect... Actually, no, I take that back. You might be a little surprised at what happens, but I don't wanna ruin it for you...
Nothing to worry about in terms on content.
Multiupload, E-Hentai Gallery
27 Images, 19mb
Update: Thanks to Oliver at HentaiRules and some levels corrections on his part, it looks a bit better now (less grey). Links updated.
Cute and funny. Many thanx EO. I wish i'd live in the fantasy land of hentai. Oh well...
Thanks, E-O ^_^
If I may make a suggestion, your decensoring guide isn't anymore in the front page when your blog is loaded, couldn't you add a link to this in your sidebar ? It would be nice...
This is just my opinion. I think it's fine if you don't edit the SFX and do a de-censoring job, that way you could do more of your translations.
Hey, Ero-O, I just thought of something, your very nice banner on top of the blog, don't you think you should translate what the girl is saying in her speech bubble ?
After all, you're here as a scanlator, and we're greeted by a girl speaking Japanese ^^
Thanks for the comments.
Good idea about sidebaring the guide.
Also, the speech bubble just says 'ero-otoko's weblog.' Just a little easter egg for those that can read a little Japanese. But I suppose it could be confusing...
Hoo, I see.
Then, as an easter egg, I guess it's best the way it is now :)
BTW, thanks a LOT for your decensoring guide, E-O ! Thanks to your guide, one hour ago, I managed for the first time to successfully decensor a full-color picture. That may not look like much, but in my current case, it's already a big improvement.
I'm grateful :)
Many thanks for taking my request ,EO! Finding this after a few days out of town has been truly an unexpected gift :D
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