...and now, for something completely different... a CG set! ...or the first part of one anyhow.
I'm not gonna lie, for a CG set the artwork is nothing remarkable and the censoring's pretty bad, but two things about this set really do it for me: 1) Lots and lots of dirty talk and 2) total disregard for the fourth wall; it's just supposed to be you and 2D girl on your screen... kinda like good POV porn in CG form.
If those things click with you, you'll wanna tuck it away in that special place where you'll never delete it. If not, you can at least throw it on the massive pile of FF7 porn that I'm sure you have.
E-Hentai Gallery
126 Images, 15mb
Slutty, dirty talking Aeri(s/th) makes me unhappy.
The other two make me happy in the pants though.
Many thanx EO.
Will you transate the other parts too? :)
This was absolutely fantastic :D Thanks so much for doing this!
Thanks for the comments, glad people did it.
Probably will do the rest sooner or later.
I really like this i can't wait till the other parts come up where did you find it at what site?
can we get the other two now?
Oh LORD, whenever i see those sets with repeated pictures just with the japanese text i always delete the ones with text, thinking "what's the point of text in a single image? It's not a doujin or manga telling a story, it's just visual interest".
But this Aerith bit made me go nuts, excellent translation, it's a crime that these translations aren't done so much, probably because a lot of people think like i used to before this.
CAN'T WAIT for the rest of it, pleaseee! :D
Very excited for a followup on this set. Delicious stuff!
Please tell me your translating the other two parts! This is great!
Hahah this is torture, i know this is probably a lot of effort in time worthy, i just wonder how is it going so far, i check this everyday :D
I have to agree with the latest comment.
I'm not trying to rush you because I've been waiting for these being translated since.. Forever. But do you happen to have any idea of when would the rest be completed?
And preferably the Yuffie-part first ;)
Keep up the good work and thanks!
Man, I can't wait to see Tifa's part.
You HAVE to translate it, for God's sake!
Thank you in advance ;D
Well, congrats on this, seems to be very popular in demand, i love it, personally. We need more guys like EroOtoko to be the awesome bridge between East and West for these erotic works. hmm :)
Every day, sometimes more than once i check this page, to no avail, crossing my fingers that Ero Otoko managed to find some "hentime" to translate the rest of this hotness.
Good luck with it, i transmit my energies via this comment x3
I long for the continuation of this. I wonder if we'll see a nice X-mas present posted soon :3
And I wonder if your hero has forgotten us!
Looks like it :(
When are you going to upload the other two parts of this cg set
Omg, i'd give my left nut for a translation of the rest... been waiting for this for so long, but hope is drifting :(
~sending motivation waves towards Ero-Otoko~
Many thanks for previous posts - I would like to add my name to those who check you at least 5-7 times a week - looking for any new posts . Any posted comment from you would be much appreciated .
Almost 6 months. Please don't leave us hanging. :(
*sends motivational waves*
We appreciate your good work Ero-Otoko!
Ero-Otoko...is dead!? D=
Your wife has been kidnapped! You must translate the rest or we will feed her to the sarlacc!
Where'd you go bro
Lots of teasing - very nice.
It's been a year now...
Good Night, Sweet Prince.
This is never going to get done is it? :(
I wonder, did Ero-Otoko die? :(
Maybe he did die, it's been so long.
This is one of the BEST ero manga ever!!
Thank you Ero-Otoko wherever you are.
(If you're still among us, hope the rest of this will get translated someday too.)
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