Lovers of futanari exhibitionism across the universe rejoice! Here's all three "Futanari Exposure Mania" doujins from Futanarun.
The concept is pretty simple: perverted futa girl goes about town masturbating in public places. When I first read it I expected more to happen (you know, for her to fuck her friends or get raped by strangers or whatever), but in the end I wasn't disappointed that it didn't deviate from it's simple premise.
Enjoy (and don't forget the comment ^_-).
Thanks for more exhibitionism.
Superb, thanks a lot. I've been looking forward to this greatly!
Thanks a lot for this third volume. I will enjoy reading this. I look forward to your next releases whatever they may be. Thanks again.
Thanks a lot for delicious futanari!
Thank you very much! More of the same would be nice, of course. ;)
I think this is a side story:
Thanks very much! I'd been waiting for this with bated breath. What did you think of the Milk Gohan works in the suggestions for translation area, by the by?
Thanks, looking forward for more.
Translating the author's afterword was a nice touch.
Yay comments! Thank you, thank you.
@Anon - Good find on the bonus story.
@V - I remember downloading those before, skimming it and thinking 'this might be good if the scans were better.' Though it looks like the scans you found are better. I'll give it a read and if it lives up to my expectations I may get to it eventually.
@JukanX - Thanks again for appreciating the little stuff and the extra effort.
Thanks for the 3rd release. Awesome mangaka. I hope you do more of his stuff.
I agree with that. Go for a few more of these Futanarun doujinshi. There's even one that's almost manga sized, which was pretty damn good.
Great release.
Thanks for that link to the four-page story Anonymous. It's hard to call that a side story, though, when it's exactly like the rest of her appearances.
And Ero-otoko - thank you for this translation and clean up. The plot is thin but fun, the art is very good, and it appeals to me. I really appreciate your work here.
I gotta say I love your work. Will you be doing the other stories from this artist? (namely Futaroma Plus 1-3)
and apparently He will also release Futaroma 4 around august 14th.
Great job on translating these, thanks for that! (seeing as how I can't read Japanese, lol). Is there anyway you could translate this one, please? http://g.e-hentai.org/g/409987/1710884179/ Thanks!
pleas bring more of this
or exhibitionism or futa stuff
Can you please upload it somewhere else. the link you provided has been taken over by some group called "the internet vs hollywood".
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