Whew, it's been a while. Life's been busy and this has been a rather time-consuming project (Futanarun seems to employ both a black bar and a light mosaic in most of his stuff...). Anyhow, I hope it was worth the wait for more Futanarun.
The plot to this one's pretty simple, but rather than ruin it I'll just warn you that it involves futanari (male on futanari) and rape (you've seen worse, but still).
26 Images, 15mb
Welcome back!
Thanks for the release, as always.
It's good to have you back, and it's even better to get some more translated Futanarun! Let's hope there will be many more, and thank you for your hard work.
Welcome back! Do you have any non futa releases coming up? I am too sexually insecure to fap to futa since I am convinced it will make me gay!
Welcome back, you've been missed. Thanks for the release, and more if you don't mind. (^_~)
Thank you, thank you (was it really that long?... I guess the weeks have been flying by).
@Anon #2
Most likely I'll decensor a couple Koi Suru Houkago chapters next.
(Ranting begins here, feel free to tune out)
The devil's advocate could argue that futa is the least gay form of porn, since there are no dudes involved... unless, such as in this case, there are dudes involved. Then the argument pretty much falls apart.
It's a slippery slope really. First you enjoy the typical 'girl magically grows a dick and bones her best friend' scenario, but all the other futa stuff still weirds you out. Then you don't mind if she was just born with a dick. After that you don't mind if her friend is a futa too. Then you don't mind if it's a guy boning the futa. Then finally you don't care if it's the futa boning the guy. It's conceivable that this moves on to newhalf and/or yaoi and next thing you know you're blowing a tranny in a public restroom. I dunno.
I kinda doubt it gets to the last couple of steps though, since having a futa fetish is like having an elf or vampire or furry fetish. It's pretty far off into fantasy and any realistic approximation of that fantasy is hardly the same thing.
Anyhow, that's my theory. Nobody will give me a grant to empirically test it, but there you go.
Hey, been a while. Have you looked at Yuuji Kurenai/Futanarun's website? As best as I can tell via Google translate, I think he's found your translation and approves.
(Hope to see more obscure translations of futa from you. I'm still holding out hope on Milk Gohan stuff.)
Whoa! Thanks V. I just checked that out and it really made my day.
You gotta respect an artist who is happier to see people appreciating his work than he is upset that his work is being pirated.
Also, the fact that he had to re-censor the sample image is pretty funny.
Just this fact makes me want to purchase his doujins, too bad Toranoana doesn't ship abroad...
That's cool that Futanarun takes it as positive note seeing his work translated into English. I wish LINDA Project could be like that too. Oh how great the H-Manga scene would be if LINDA Project's stuff could get translated without getting a C&D from them. Well one can hope for the day when they decide to ease up a little bit.
In any case, thanks a lot for another piece of Futanarun. I'm having trouble truly classifying this as Rape though lol. It's not everyday your teacher and whole class decides to get you by the side of the pool during class time. Sounds like good hospitality to me lol. Well I guess it would be nice the first few rounds, and then it gets into rape territory since she's forced to keep getting off. An interesting scenario to say the least lol. I wonder how the other ones will be like.
Thanks a lot Ero-Otoko. Will be especially looking forward to your next release.
Welcome back, brother.
And thanks for more Futanarun! That tidbit about the author is kinda refreshing and sad at the same time. RE-CENSORING? There are words that should never be.
Nice one.
An update:
So yeah, V pointed me to Futanarun's blog the other day. Apparently someone shot Futanarun a mail about my translation of "Futanari Roshutsu Mania" and he checked it out, enjoyed it, and had many a flattering thing to say (so much so that I could really get a big head; so much so that I feel a little awkward... I mean the praise is suppose to go from fan to artist not vice versa), but I think mostly he was excited to see he that had international fans.
Since it made my day I thought I ought to make a reply. So I posted a comment assuring him that I was the one who should be stoked that he'd even heard of me, nevermind that he enjoyed my adaptation of his work.
I also thought I'd throw in an apology for, you know... pirating his work (especially since he'd been such a cool guy about it) and an offer to cease and desist should he wish it. Part of his reply went something like 'being in my position I absolutely can't condone it, but keep at it!!'
Ah, I'm still grinning.
You should save that message, EO. It's not everyday you'll be praised by the artist of the work you translated...Using a pirated copy no less. And implying that he'll turn a blind eye to future translations. Futanarun is a man among H-Artists lol. It's certainly gotta make you feel extra fuzzy inside when you have 'indirect' support from the actual artist.
more more more this is a great manga pleas god more :)
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