Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bang-You - Bleach - Yoruneko 2

Here's release #2! It's a Bleach doujinshi starring, of course, Yoruichi (though she's about 180 degrees away from the usual Yoruichi... and it is good). There's a good story, good art and nothing much that one could find objectionable so I hope that anyone who wasn't into my first release will enjoy this one.

I also made some style changes that I think I'll keep from now on. Namely that the sound effect translations should be a lot less obtrusive than before.

22 Images, 6mb


Mr. Crow said...

Hi, I know I'm alittle late considering you relased this on the 24th. Anyway I thought I'd thank you personally for translating this.

If I could make one suggestion? I think you should do the other Yoru-Neko. As far as I know it hasn't been translated yet either.

Ero-Otoko said...

Duly noted, though the tentacle stuff usually isn't my thing... The mood for that might hit me though, and that'll be a good one to translate when it does.

whatttt said...

Just to second that request, the first Yoruneko isn't well-known, so there's very little chance (if any) that another translator will pick it up. I know you're not into tentacles, but it would be awesome if you translated that.