Friday, April 9, 2010

Yakiyama Line - Aoringo Nocturne

(Cover/links removed thanks to an anonymous whistle-blower/DMCA/Google. Meh, no use arguing with the weather right? Look elsewhere, it's the internet, you'll find it.)

It's official, the world's gone topsy-turvy on me.

Yakiyama Line made a clean story--no fugly old men and not even a tinge of non-consensual sex (yes yes I know, you're all devastated but it's good). Not only that, but it's kinda sweet too.

A mild warning for shotacon (but if something like that bothers you, you're really looking at the wrong medium for your porn ^_-).



Anonymous said...

I like the style of this mangaka. It has the feeling to it as if it could have happened somewhere yesterday. The characters act normal which makes it more real and more exiting.
In most hen stories as soon as the characters get to the naughty part their "role" and personality disappears and it's just random sex.

Oliver said...

That was a very nice share, thank you very much E-O :)

The beginning was 30000% cliché (if I you me yours I'll show you mine - and they accept !), but this had a delicious fresh and spontaneous feeling, I liked it a lot :D

You know what, if your next share is also about consensual happy sex, I might forgive you in advance...

Ehud said...

Many thanx EO. Happy sex is really the best.

Oliver said...

BTW, your bonus pictures depicting what we may expect or fear from the manga, in this one, or the robot in the previous one, that's a VERY good idea ^^

Anonymous said...

always liked this style, simple yet clear

as363 said...

Enjoyed very much - normal is as normal does - and this was done well .

Anonymous said...

I really liked this story(I'm a sucker for happy sex). Very nice art too. The guy - "I love you" she answers - "Yeah, I know". What a nice way of not saying you don't love him :/

dizzle83 said...

Any updates on Futanari Senka?

Oliver said...

Hello Ero-O :)

As a fellow and more talented decensorer, I believe you'll be interested in the info : CS5 is out, and content-aware is the shit :D

It works :)

It won't make miracles, but for instance it managed to beat a triple white censorship bar, the kind of thing that I would have never been able to decensor, and that even you, you would have had trouble with it, you'd have been forced to entirely re-draw the area.

I thought you might be interested in knowing, have a good day :)